Monday, December 10, 2007

Potato Cultivation continues [Thinakaran]

Thinakaran Tamil Daily - Saturday 8 December 2007
Potato Cultivation has been given a pride of place in CASP's (Canadian Agro-Sustainability Partnership) development activities for Ampara District this year, with further arrangements already afoot.

On the advice of CASP President Dougalas MacArthur and with the support given
by CIDA, Potato Specialist MIM Nazeer has undertaken potato projects in Alayadivembu, Wangamam, Padiyathalawa, Safa Nagar, Kuduvil, Samnmanthurai, Barakath Nagar, and Weheragama which cover all three communities and a hive of activity is going on at present. Potato Specialist Nazeer, who was responsible for the successful potato cultivation last year witnessed by Minister Fariel Ashraff, has been visiting the potato cultivators and has been providing them with special assistance and technical know-how.

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